The Brothers Geeks

As requested, 2 of us geeking gaming. We are playing Talisman(Ray, don’t click that – your credit card will start burning a hole in your pocket!), an old game from Games Workshop and I believe at one time was co-published by Milton Bradley. It’s an easy and fun game. It can however last for hours upon hours….

That said, it’s also out of print, and has been for about 10 years or so. The good news is a new version will be available in October!
It’s definitely worth getting, and I can think of at least three dweebs guys who will be hoping to see it under the Yule bush!


One thought on “The Brothers Geeks”

  1. Two dweebs for sure! By the way who is winning? You both look so engrossed in the game! Marty looks most intend! Good Luck boys!

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