Which is why I haven’t said anything in a couple of days. Busy as all get out around the house. Cleaned out the attic, insulated it, and planned out the Bedroom Without Children! What a great thought that is….
Anyway, got lots going on. Grammy (our lady of perpetual motion) is here, so we are taking advantage of it. It does mean my time slaving over a hot keyboard is extremely limited.
Sometime in the next couple of days, I’ll give a recap of the interesting things…
This is my buddy Will. Will Likes me. Will went to the Tattooed Dad Store, and bought a t shirt. Will is nice. Will asked for a certain saying on his Tattooed Dad shirt. Tattooed Dad said “Sure!” Tattooed Dad made a dollar! Yea, Will! Yea Tattooed Dad!
Do you want to be one of the cool kids? You know what to do. If you want a custom saying, let me know…