Tag Archives: inside

Loss of Context

Floating, floundering.
No basis for reality.
Translation fails.
Speak with Simple.
Meaning Misconstrued.
Stand up.
Knock down.
A bowling pin?
For the Gods?

Who am I and just what did I do with myself, anyway?

Kinda Like “Hello, me, it’s me again.”

Brownie Points to anyone who gets that reference.

Tealights, and crowbars.

Things have been a bit chaotic, not leaving me much time to think, let alone write.
Both wee ones caught a cold that made them hack and cough a lot. And I do mean a lot. I thought Oldest girl was going to bring up a lung yesterday. She seems better today. The only thing that seemed to help her yesterday was some good old fashioned Luden’s Wild Cherry cough drops. I suspect some whiskey might have also helped, but we are fresh out.
Some old school remedies still work well.

Dealing with stinkin’ mice. Every couple of years, a family of them decide to move in (a downside to having a 117 year old home). These little buggers are making my head hurt this time around, though. In the past, we’d find them in the pantry – no surprise there.
This time around though, we’ve caught them in the bathroom vanity, eating soap. Do you know what soap does to a mouse? Let’s just say soap works very well as a mousey laxative.

But then, it got worse. We have a built-in china cabinet. It has a cupboard on the bottom, which we use to store thing like champagne glasses, candle holders and candles.
Last year, we bought a giant bag of tea-lights from IKEA. 100 of them. The rodents have now eaten about 30 of them – including large portions of the aluminum cups.
Just how defective or desperate does a mouse need to be to eat metal?

Heard a story on Wait! Wait! about some guy in Seattle who went to buy a crowbar at Home Despot. He went to use the “self checkout”, and had a really poor experience doing so. Now, I’m not saying it wasn’t user error, but I think we have all had that moment – “this thing is really pissing me off! Oh, what’s this? I have a crowbar in my hand?” $10k worth of damage later, he walks out, and being an honest man, leaves the unpaid for crowbar behind. My hero!

I’d like to take a moment to welcome Moonspun to the blogging world. She has an interesting outlook on the world, and I can’t wait to hear her voice ring loud.

Enough for now….

(hey! You there – I see you lurking… pipe up and say hi!)

The quiet before the storm.

It’s fairly quiet right now. Kids are watching Sesame Street, and “reading” People Magazine. Um, Psycho-Momia, where did that come from?

I have 2 days left with WFM, and I’m not looking forward to either of them. The next seven days get a bit Crazy around here, and I’d so like some downtime before it all breaks loose, but that’s not in the cards. Grammy and her… “other” are coming towards the end of the week as one of Psycho-Momia‘s cousins is getting hitched over the weekend. I like my MIL, and love having her here. It’s just the run-up to her arrival that gets chaotic.

I’m getting ready to grab the girls and head for the big orange box store that sell hardware to get a few items that I need to fix the bed in the “guestroom” (don’t ask…);-) .

I enjoy working with my hands and building/creating things. It’s a good thing too, as I have to work on the attic to Master Bedroom project as well this week. Pray for cool weather, please! There are times though, that repairs and construction frustrate me. I have so many cool ideas running around in my head for everything from toys for the girls, to furniture for the house, to just crazy “art” kind of things – but there’s no time for them, it seems.

Hopefully the new job/life schedule will allow for some energy spent in that direction.

Currently playing in iTunes: Spook Country by William Gibson