Tag Archives: work

What’s that beat I keep hearing?

It’s the doldrums. Nothing much is happening, yet many things are.
Like the tenant swap has happened, but not much has come of it yet.
The new job has begun, but not much has come of it yet. I know it will take a while to get into the roll of it, but I want to be a superstar, and NOW!
Like a doctor on vacation, I got no patience.

Psycho-Momia just keeps going, but there are times that I wonder if she as sure of our decisions as she seems.

I’ve come to realize that life with kids isn’t a bundle of great moments that make easy post fodder – it usually takes someone else to point out funny or amazing things about the girls.

Still working on The upcoming endeavour, but if you want to have a looksee, go ahead. Let me know what you think in the comments…..


Such a nice thing not to have to worry about going back. I finished up at WFM last night, and though I’m staying as a seasonal employee, I’m so glad to be done. Some folks are good at playing the stupid corporate politics, and get along just fine with their ethics disconnected. Me, not so much.

I want to give a shout out to the fine folks who joined me last night for a celebration of my departure: Jasmine (who left me with such fine mental imagery – who wouldn’t eat the spinach, indeed!), Kate, who reappeared just in time to say “see ya”, Willy B (fresh off the plane, and go for it – I would in a heartbeat!), Fester Walnuts (remember – just say no), William (safe return, and good luck with the music), Stefan (may Eris arrive quietly, and well), Pavel (go back to Alaska, and let your hair grow), George (my cross counter bud) and Edwin (tell her to turn down the suction). We had a great time, and thanks to the fine staff at The Field for keeping the refreshments flowing and the tables cleared.

Jared – you suck. Get me to agree to go out, and you don’t even bother showing up. Hmmph.

Stay in touch folks, and don’t forget to order thoseTattooed Dad t-shirts you all said you’d buy!

Coming soon – An announcement of my future endeavors.