So – things have come to a head. Work things, that is. After 10 years spent with the unnamed employer, it’s time to vamoose. I’m not yet sure how or when, but I do know it will be soon.
Because of this, I’m looking at ways to bring money in – as is my duty, and pleasure to do as a Dad.
I haven’t had to look for work in 10 years. I am remembering just how painful it can be. I am either under-qualified, overpaid, unable to do the needed schedule, uninterested or too smart.
I need to have a gig that:
Is at night (5pm or later is best)
Pays at least $15 an hour.
Allows me at least fairly regular weekends off.
Allows me to work less than 40 hours a week.
Allows me to retain what little I have left of dignity.
Anyway, as I look to increase alternate income, I’m open to advice – in Job hunting, in Jumping ship and flying solo (how’s that for a mixed metaphor?).
Also, you, the few, the proud, my readers, can help me decide on something.
There are several companies out there that pay you for “sponsered posts”. These are clearly marked as such, and I would be voicing my opinion in truth – they ask that you write a polite reveiw – not a positive one.
What do you all think?
Any other ideas?
Any of you rich and looking for a kept man?(j/k)(or am I?)
(Oh, I have also been gently chastised for not posting more about my delightful little demons…. I promise more about the cherubs in the future.)