So I just finished the first of the Art pages. Check them out – who knows, maybe it’ll improve your day. Art in general is very specific – either you like it or you don’t. The best kind of art in my either makes you think, or tells a story. I try to make my art make you think and feel. I’m not so good at the story telling stuff.
The material I have posted is sexually charged, so you might want to think about where you are before viewing it.
So, you may have noticed something different. If not, you are blind. And other things as well.
I’ve been working on this for a while, and said the hell with it – just launch. Over the next week or so, many new things will be showing up. For a hint, check out the spiffy new menu up there.
A couple of caveats:
No iPhone/iPod Touch support yet. Tricky, not being able to use :hover…
Links are not all working yet. Content takes time to curate.
Sidebars are subject to change.
The biggest thing: If you bookmarked , it will cease working in a few weeks. Change your bookmark to, and all will be fine.
A journey through the mind Of a Tattooed Dad.