Category Archives: Site work

Welcoming a New (old) member of the family

I want to take a moment to welcome an old friend to the “blogosphere” and to Agrippa – purveyor of fine techno-industrial musics – is now writing at He’ll be chatting about life as a musician, father, husband and all around dude.

Take a moment, and check him out.

More work is done

So I just finished the first of the Art pages. Check them out – who knows, maybe it’ll improve your day. Art in general is very specific – either you like it or you don’t. The best kind of art in my either makes you think, or tells a story. I try to make my art make you think and feel. I’m not so good at the story telling stuff.

The material I have posted is sexually charged, so you might want to think about where you are before viewing it.