So. Psycho Momia’s Car went batshit crazy again in the middle of last week. I continued to have issues with Emmy (my car…). The replacement shift cable I got was a poorly made, not suitable for it’s intended purpose piece of dung. It bends where it shouldn’t, and therefore leaves you not able to shift out of first, third or fifth. I got a replacement ordered, picked it up, and installed it over the weekend with a modification (ok, a hack) that should allow it to function properly for long enough to be able to get the 3x more expensive factory part. Being as Psycho Momia’s car is possessed, her exorcismrepair must come first. Hers could be something as simple as an exposed connection, or as bad as a new computer. I dunno which.
Because of the aforementioned car snafus, I spent most of my birthday troubleshooting, running errands, and in a panic. Not the best way of celebrating. My neighbors, Tony and Stacey, did deliver a wonderful gift – 2 fancy beers in the large economy size. I have not yet been able to appreciate the gifts in full, but I will soon!
On Saturday, a friend of Psycho Momia’s came to visit and help us regain momentum on the attic project. I wish I could say I was as gung-ho as he was to do it, but I can’t. We did get an amazing amount of work done, and got most of the rest of the materials we needed, thanks to his giant work truck. Given that we are in the midst of a heat wave, I’m damned surprised that we got as much done as we did, with no one dying or anything.
Halfway through the day, another friend popped by for a while. This was a good thing, as I don’t get to see Alx much. It also overwhelmed, shocked and all around fucked me up. He handed me an envelope, and said “I’m not very good with cards, but Happy Birthday!” In the envelope was a check. For $1000.00. For a grand. I sat down before I fell down. “I can’t – I can’t accept that, Alx – it’s way too much!” and there began the argument. It continues. I called him yesterday, and he picked up the phone, saying, “we’re not speaking until you deposit that check” and hung up on me. I called him back, and told him I burnt the thing. I was joking – but the thought had crossed my mind.
It’s a grand gesture, and I very much appreciate the thought, and friendship behind it, but …
Any thoughts, friends?
ohhh…that’s a tough one brother. It really comes down to the pro’s and con’s and if you will ever feel okay if you accept vs. if he will be upset if you don’t, and which one is worse. Good luck…..
It’s a lovely gift and while I can see why you’d initially want to return it, try to look at it from his perspective. First, if he couldn’t afford it, would he have given it to you? Second, if this is the way that he wants to celebrate your 4 decades on this planet by giving you a thousand dollars, who are you to say no? And third, what if it was you giving a gift like that? What if you could afford to give a friend such a gift and when you did they refused to accept it? Wouldn’t you feel crappy?
I say you accept it graciously, thank him profusely, take him out to a kickass dinner on the money, then take your lovely wife for a weekend away…