Missing you….

So I’ve been drifting in memories bliss for a bit. Thinking of friends that have disappeared, people I have not been the best to, people that I’d like to find, or least find out how they are doing.

Some there is no chance of. Some have rejected contact (their loss…)

Some pop up every so often…Hiya Suz! Some I start getting back in touch with, and it just drys up, becuase there is no common point of reference. What Made us friends in that previous life, just isn’t there anymore.

No way to know.
Right now, I’m wondering about Kurt Farnon.
Andre, Pete, Ed Standish,
Roger Marinelli
Jen Frosch
Brian Soldate
Mary Leonardi
Mike McGarry
Rose Cook
Sydney Demers

And I’m sure more will well up.

At least I know Ern is well.

Hey! Shauna!

Ms. Shauna Stargazer –
I hear tell you come around these parts every so often. I have to tell ya, that’s one damned cute baby. Strangely, she looks familiar. There was a reference to “Walking down Broadway…” Would that be the Broadway that intersects with Prospect? And more – would Josie have been to Wholefoods? I’m thinking so….

Drop me a line….

And now an excerpt from the dedication to my first poetry book:

Erin ‘Shawna Stargazer’ xxxxxxxz (Come, my sister, and we’ll ride the shadows together);

We’ll see what the future holds.