Hey! Shauna!

Ms. Shauna Stargazer –
I hear tell you come around these parts every so often. I have to tell ya, that’s one damned cute baby. Strangely, she looks familiar. There was a reference to “Walking down Broadway…” Would that be the Broadway that intersects with Prospect? And more – would Josie have been to Wholefoods? I’m thinking so….

Drop me a line….

And now an excerpt from the dedication to my first poetry book:

Erin ‘Shawna Stargazer’ xxxxxxxz (Come, my sister, and we’ll ride the shadows together);

We’ll see what the future holds.

3 thoughts on “Hey! Shauna!”

  1. Hey…..Allie sent me your site, and apparently has sent you my husband’s. How’s that for a little cyber match-making? Is it true you live outside Boston? We live in Arlington with our new baby daughter. I’ve just gotten back from two years in grad school in SoCal. In the past year I got engaged, got married, had a baby, got my masters’, moved x-country and bought a house. I’m ready for some downtime, but fat chance with a 9 month old determined to walk (and not afraid to bonk her head in the process!) But you know all about that, times two, don’t you?

    I’m curious about Kurt Farnon too! Koitus! I imagine he’s a psychology professor in Santa Fe, living with a beautiful girl named Jenn, perhaps a tyke or two and a golden retriever. But I suppose he could just as easily be living outside Worcester, hiding from the law and alimony payments.

    I heard McGarry just got married and had a baby too. I heard this from Tim who I saw about a year ago in Orange County. Still exactly the same.

    Have to run… but I’m so glad you’re doing so well. Sounds like you live with some amazing women.

    Back from the shadows,

  2. Hey, Chicka!

    (I had written a reply last night, but apparently teh interweb ated it, like a cheezburger!)

    Glad to hear from you. I do indeed live in Lowell, and work in Cambridge. Congrats on the major life changes! Seems to be all good for you. That is one beeyootiful baby you made. I sure do know the trials and tribulations of the fearless children – and what is almost worse – the child who suddenly is fearful! (Rose, the oldest has become terrified of any and all insects over the last month or so…)

    Well, the next time Kurt does a vanity search, this site comes up in the first three results, so maybe…
    Mike’d be a good dad, I think.
    Every so often I hear from Todd about the gimme king.

    Doing well? Could be better, but I’m pretty damn happy! And I do live with amazing, wonderful women – as much as they drive me insane on a regular basis.

    Would you be up for some Talisman in the future?

    Like I said in another post, I’m glad to see you happy and well.


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