It’s been up and down, crazy and calm. Life is now slowing down, and getting back to normal – at least as far as normal gets around Chez Tattooed Psycho.
Kids have been kids, saying cute things, and not so cute things – Like when Oldest came out of school one day and asked me what “Grande Puta” means.
Another joy of having a young one in school is that we’ve all been varying degrees of sick for nearly a month now. No fun.
Hey – Gaming with baby, I know you’ve had a bitch of a year – but it will get better.
Xmas/Yule was okay. Kids were happy, Grammy was here, and it was quiet. I had xmas eve off for the first time in almost 10 years and it was weird. I made a roast chicken and we feasted.
New years eve followed the same pattern – I was off, made dinner, etc. What happened after the kids went to bed? I ain’t telling, but you could guess.
Psycho Momia has the idea that how you spend NYE is how you’ll spend the year. As good of a theory as any, as it invokes sympathetic magick. We’ll see how well it works.
Any dads interested in doing a weekly or biweekly roundtable podcast? I’ll handle the tech end – all you’ll need to do is set up Skype.
I hope to get back to regular posting now.