New ‘Cherry Chocolate Rain’ Remix Pushes Dr Pepper | The Underwire from “”
Like, you have to check it out. Yes, I know you’ll kill me for this.
(Via Wired.)
New ‘Cherry Chocolate Rain’ Remix Pushes Dr Pepper | The Underwire from “”
Like, you have to check it out. Yes, I know you’ll kill me for this.
(Via Wired.)
So there’s this thing that Trent Reznor and Nine Inch Nails do. For the last couple of albums, he has released songs in GarageBand format. This allows everyday folx to remix and mess around with his music.
He just opened a new site for people to upload and share these tunes.
Check outN.I.N Remixes.
Here is my page, and the one I uploaded.
Tattooed Dad Does N.I.N.
Oh yeah…I should writing stuff here. Deep pithy stuff about my kids and family, and how they effect my life. Sad thing is, I’m so busy with them I don’t have much time to right about them. We have a new family member. Her name is Jane, and she picked us.
She is Rose’s special friend, as there was something mentioned about wanting a kitty for her birthday. We had to explain that critters are not something you give for presents – well, at least we don’t. We also had to tell her that Jane is all of ours. Jane? You say…what kind of name is Jane for a Cat?
Well, Rose is in love with this really cool show called Jane and The Dragon A Canadian show, produced by an EnnZed Company (Weta Digital – one of the very best….), based on a series of books by a British Author.
(Buy them here, and help me get them for her….)
Rose has had no problems that I’m aware of at school, which is a relief. She is quite happy and making friends. Lilah is always excited to bring Rose to school – she even tells Rose she’ll miss her, but “I come pick she up”. All is well – until Rose walks away from the car. Then, the waterworks begin. “I don’t want Rose to go….” Lasts about 5 minutes, with lots of reassurances from me (of course, I at the same time am trying to drive us home…always fun!). By the time we get home all is well, and we are ready for Shnooze time.
Psycho Momia and I are deep within the special kinds of hell that come with being retail sluts at this time of year. The week of Turkey day I had to do 2 overnights getting ready for black friday. It felt more gray to me. Just didn’t seem like folks were piling high – although in my direct experience, the Fruit doesn’t do huge discounts – mostly cause they don’t need to.
Poor Psycho Momia Got hammered on at her store, as she works the other side – food. Man, this is the first time in 10 years I didn’t have to go through it, and I’m glad. I think I’ll arrange for us to be in EnnZed or something next year – so she doesn’t have to go through that.