Tag Archives: funny

A vacation part deux

So, to continue, The girls decided that it was time to push all boundaries. The fun part was always what happened when we held firm. Smallest child is in the hitting phase, and packs a mean left! She has decided that since oldest daughter never had the “terrible twos”, she’s gonna get us twice as bad. Favorite phrase? “No way!” said with an almost valley-girlish inflection. After I cut down the aforementioned tree, she ran about shouting “Tree….Crash!” Yes, she does speak in exclamation points. Her vocab is growing exponentially , as is the case at her age. She refuses to keep her shoes on, and has learned to remove her own diaper. That one is kinda scary…

PM and I did not manage to get away as I had to arrange, way back when. Money is always a factor in these things.

So, how did we deal with temper tantrums and hissy fits? Mostly, we laughed. A child acting out wants attention, wants YOU to be as upset as they are. Laugh, and the situation defuses fairly quickly. Afterwards, be sure to talk to them and reassure them that you understood that they were upset, and that you laughed because they looked funny or some such appropriate thing.

A brief recap of a vacation

So short. But vacations always are. Tattooed Dad and Psycho-Momia took a week off to coincide with our lady of perpetual motion’s visit.  We planned on getting things done around the homestead, having an adventure or two, and maybe even getting some adult time in.

Psycho-Momia got a bunch of outside stuff done (she has a pretty damned amazing green thumb).

I spent a whole lotta time in the dusty, dirty attic. Cleaned out the detris left behind by 20 years of tenants and the previous slumlord owner. Sadly, the only thing of interest I found was a Boston paper from the mid 50’s. With the help of the demented genuis Alx, I got most of the insulation done. The goal here is to turn the attic into a “master” bedroom, with occupancy by our anniversery in December.

We did manage to have some fun as well. Psycho-Momia and I went out to the movies, and saw Hot Fuzz. Great fricking movie! Edgar Wright and Simon Pegg are two of the best film movie makers out there right now.

We also gathered up the girls and Grammy and went to the Franklin Park Zoo in Boston. After I got us sorta lost (hey…I hadn’t been there in years, and it’s not exactly easy to get to…) we finally made it and had a blast! I got some damned good pics of the critters there. Not much in the way of Kid shots, though. They were having too much fun to hold still for our ancient camera.

The kids themselves became extra challenging over the visit. Oldest child decided this would be a good time to show us who was boss, and started giveing us the silent treatment when things were not to her specifications. She pointed her nose so high, you would’ve thought the Hood Blimp had a new hanger. Bedtime, dinnertime, whatever she only wanted it to go her way. And to boot, she no longer wanted anything to do with Dada after say 6 pm. “NO! I ONLY WANT MAMA!” She even pulled the classic:

I wasn’t expecting that so early. I woulda thunk that wouldn’t show up until the tweens, at least!

Duty calls, so I will continue later.