Caught this via Bravewords:
“Sitting here soaking up the love of my kids, all I can think about is how everybody is the house laughs a lot, a lot more that I can remember in a long time. Yes, it’s different being a single Dad and having a career, but different in a better way. I have a lot more to do daily and I take it very serious. I’ve not found anybody worthy of really dating and that’s OK by me… my kids come first, then my career and last my social life… I can live without the last two but not the first. So on I trudge. ”
Nikki Sixx – Read it here…
Sorry for the lack of posts over the last couple of days. Been busy with work and family. Some days, you just have to stay away from the computer.
Other days, you wonder if shouting into the ether is worth it. Is there anybody actually reading this tripe?
Oh, another thing: some of you may remember a game that we used to play. Talisman. It’s back! Or will be this fall. It’s been out of print for at 10 years, but Games workshop is finally reissuing it. I’ll be buying it for sure.